Actuator Test Equipment

Peaktronics Actuator Test Equipment for Automation Made in US

If you have questions or need technical information about any of the actuator test equipment on this page, please call us direct at (248) 542-5640. Our experienced engineers can help find solutions to your automation challenges!

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Model Description List
CLC-100 Actuator Test Equipment for Automation | US-Made | Peaktronics - pdf-icon

Current Loop Calibrator

4-20mA generator for calibrating all 117VAC AMC-100/101, LRC-101, and SVC-100 units

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SPC-100 Actuator Test Equipment for Automation | US-Made | Peaktronics - pdf-icon

Switch/Pot Calibrator 

Open-close motor switch used to calibrate actuator limit switches and binding posts to monitor feedback pot resistance. Works with all 117VAC AMC-100/101, LRC-101, and SVC-100 units.

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APC-100 Actuator Test Equipment for Automation | US-Made | Peaktronics - pdf-icon

AC Positioning Calibrator

Bench style calibrator with feedback pot meter, 4-20mA generator, and 4-20mA digital input/feedback meter for calibrating 117VAC positioners (VCM Modules adapt unit for other voltages).

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Voltage Converter Module (24VAC) 

Plugs into APC-100 to convert 117VAC power to 24VAC for calibrating 24VAC actuators.

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Voltage Converter Module (234VAC) 

Plugs into APC-100 to convert 117VAC power to 234VAC for calibrating 234VAC actuators.

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Voltage Converter Module (12/24VDC)

Plugs into APC-100 to convert 117VAC power to 12/24VDC for calibrating 12/24VDC actuators.

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Calibrator Interface Cable 

Interfaces APC-100 calibrator to FTE-100/101 enclosures.

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